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Inclusion of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Annotations by Ann Knackendoffel
Track #186632
Format: Extended learning
This Track is a collection of sites for my exceptional child class to learn about autism in general and learn some fundamental teaching approaches they might be able to incorporate into their future classrooms. As you prepare for students with special needs in your classroom, you may be aware of the increasing number of children being diagnosed with some form of autism. Like all disability categories we have studied, autism spectrum disorders run the full gamut from mild to severe. As you explore these sites, note information you think will be useful in working with these children in your classroom.
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Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
Annotations by Ann Knackendoffel
Track #173331
Format: Resource list
This Track will be used by my university special education technology class to explore various topics and devices related to AAC.
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Assistive Technology Access
Annotations by Ann Knackendoffel
Track #123375
Format: Resource list
These sites include some of the essential web sites for special educators with regard to access issues and assistive technology.
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Assistive Technology: Determining Needs
Annotations by Ann Knackendoffel
Track #119208
Format: Resource list
This track was prepared for a workshop and class session dealing with the topic of the assistive techology evaluation process.
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Traumatic Brain Injury WebQuest
Annotations by Ann Knackendoffel
Track #88291
Format: Resource list
This WebQuest on TBI is designed as a tool for preservice or inservice teachers to provide basic information about TBI in children and the educational implications.
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Anne Frank Internet Research.
Annotations by Ann Knackendoffel
Track #76994
Format: Resource list
This site is to be used for special education children in an integrated computer class. This is a modified lesson for creating a newsletter using Worksheet Wizard and internet research.
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Learning about WebQuests
Annotations by Ann Knackendoffel
Track #31375
Format: Resource list
Students in my Teaching Exceptional Children class can explore these links to learn more about how to create a WebQuest for their class project on a disability area.
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Consulting Class 2002
Annotations by Ann Knackendoffel
Track #28421
Format: Resource list
This is a demonstration of how you might use TrackStar to guide your students through selected sites on the web.
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Differentiating Instruction and Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Annotations by Ann Knackendoffel
Track #279133
Format: Resource list
This Track will serve a dual purpose of showing my Exceptional Child class how to create a Track and then use the content from the Track to help them explore the topic of differentiated instruction and UDL. Hopefully after looking at some of the sites, you will have a clearer understanding about what differentiated learning and instruction is all about and how you as a teacher can create UDL lessons to meet the needs of ALL learners in your classrooms. When you are finished exploring the site, write a short one-page paper about what you now understand differentiating instruction and UDL to be all about. Provide at least two examples of UDL in the three major areas of content, process and product. Finally, share how you think this will be useful in your future teaching and lesson planning.
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UDL and Differentiating Instruction
Annotations by Ann Knackendoffel
Track #278299
Format: Resource list
This Track was created to help university education faculty learn more about UDL both for the purpose of applying UDL principles to the courses they teach and in turn, teaching future teachers how to plan and deliver lessons using UDL.
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Fun Sites for Kids
Annotations by Ann Knackendoffel
Track #11832
Format: Resource list
Grouping of fun educational sites for my children to explore.
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Content at Multiple Levels
Annotations by Ann Knackendoffel
Track #325275
Format: Resource list
These sites demonstrate that content can be represented in multiple ways and at multiple levels.
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Speech & Language TrackStar for EDSP 324
Annotations by Ann Knackendoffel
Track #349354
Format: Worksheet
This track was created to be used in my Exceptional Child in the Regular Classroom course. Future teachers in the class will learn some of the basics about speech and language disorders, developmental milestones and how children with SPL disorders are served in schools. Finally, they will leave with some activities and games they can use with students in their classroom to encourage the development of speech and language.
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Designing a Residential Facility for Students with Dual Sensory Impairments
Annotations by Ann Knackendoffel
Track #391182
Format: Resource list
Background information for consideration by 5th year architecture students in a studio class at Kansas State University charged with the challenge of designing a residential facility for students with significant dual sensory impairments attending the Hazelwood School near Glasgow, Scotland.
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Accomodations and Differentiating Instruction
Annotations by Ann Knackendoffel
Track #236304
Format: Resource list
This track includes resources teachers can use to assist them in understanding the difference between accommodations and modifications and how they might differentiate instruction for diverse learning needs within their classroom.