Show Tracks Created by Sarah Britnell
Showing all Sarah Britnell created by
Sarah Britnell
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Annotations by Sarah Britnell
Track #344450
Format: Resource list
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Annotations by Sarah Britnell
Track #349538
Format: Resource list
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Geologic Time -- What happenned when, and why?
Annotations by Sarah Britnell
Track #281506
Format: Resource list
Students will get information on various key points in geologic history, then use that information to create a timeline of the events.
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Natural Selection
Annotations by Sarah Britnell
Track #281054
Format: Resource list
In this set of activities, you will explore the concept of Natural Selection and its application to not only animal or plant species, but to humans as well.
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Cellular Respiration - Mitochondria Group
Annotations by Sarah Britnell
Track #303973
Format: Resource list
Use this track to learn about Cellular Respiration and also its similarities to Photosynthesis. <br /><br />Be sure to answer the questions on your Question Sheet based on the information you find on these websites.
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Cellular Respiration - Electron Group
Annotations by Sarah Britnell
Track #303970
Format: Resource list
Use this track to learn about Cellular Respiration and also its similarities to Photosynthesis. <br /><br />Be sure to answer the questions on your Question Sheet based on the information you find on these websites.
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Cold as Ice
Annotations by Sarah Britnell
Track #341814
Format: Worksheet
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Mitosis and Meiosis
Annotations by Sarah Britnell
Track #356740
Format: Extended learning
Complete the following Track to review the processes of Mitosis and Meiosis.