Show Tracks Created by Linda Bradford
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Linda Bradford
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Power Point
Annotations by Linda Bradford
Track #32846
Format: Worksheet
Power Point is an amazing tool that can be used by teachers and students for presentations. This internet unit will allow students to learn how to use power point and put together presentations on various topics. Students can continue to grow in their knowledge of the internet and its many uses. By using sites that encourage growth in Literary concepts, students are improving their skills in several areas.
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Learning to Telecommunicate
Annotations by Linda Bradford
Track #22009
Format: Resource list
In this unit students will be involved in several writing activities. Cooperative writing teams will be formed with other schools. Students will improve their computer skills as well as writing skills.
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Technology Centers for the Integrated Technology Classroom
Annotations by Linda Bradford
Track #22006
Format: Resource list
Many students are inefficient in research techniques and in reporting the results of a search. Through the unit "Technology Centers for the integrated Technology Classroom", the Internet will be introduced and students will learn how to use its major applications. Students will also develop an understanding and working knowledge of safe and appropriate computer and Internet use. Students will learn to work in groups and share information. Developing an understanding and working knowledge of the World Wide Web, email, newsgroups, mailing lists, FTP, telnet, search engines, archie, gopher, and HTML will help students achieve success in all areas. Learning centers will be set up for these areas with students in charge. They will become independent workers. Students will use, read and view media/technology and analyze content and concepts accurately. The students will use this technology to improve their problem solving and decision making skills and apply these skills to real world situations.
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Science and Technology - Monsters we have created
Annotations by Linda Bradford
Track #22008
Format: Resource list
This Track Star Unit has been developed as a means of helping high school students organize an essay and research the role that science and technology play in our own time and from that research and their thinking develop an essay which demonstrates how sciece and technology are advancing much more than our wisdom to use it. The students will use, read, and view media/technology and analyze content and concepts accurately. They will also develop the structural and creative skills necessary to produce written language that can be read and interpreted by various audiences.
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Using the Library Media Center
Annotations by Linda Bradford
Track #22007
Format: Resource list
This Track Star Unit has been developed as a means to help students in finding their way around in the library. The students will demonstrate proficiency in the use and care of computer based technology and develop skills using a variety of computer resources to increase productivity, support creativity, conduct and evaluate research, and imporove communications. They will use print and non-print material.