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Annotations by Julia Campbell
Track #241090
Format: Resource list
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The Solar System
Annotations by Julia Campbell
Track #211727
Format: Resource list
Great web sites for learing about the Solar System. Made for third grade.
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Eric Carle
Annotations by Julia Campbell
Track #166411
Format: Resource list
Eric Carle's life, books and art.
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The American Revolution
Annotations by Julia Campbell
Track #197755
Format: Resource list
Learn about some famous people, what caused the war and play a game with the knowledge you have learned.
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St. Patrick's Day
Annotations by Julia Campbell
Track #197713
Format: Extended learning
Learn about St. Patrick and Ireland. Write a list of ten vocabulary words from your reading. Make a word search puzzle in Word Turtle. Have fun and Happy St. Patrick's Day!
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Introduction to the Microscope
Annotations by Julia Campbell
Track #194755
Format: Resource list
Contains introductory material on use of the microscope, sites of different types of microscope pictures, and how to construct your own microscope.
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Major Leaders in Colonial Times
Annotations by Julia Campbell
Track #186557
Format: Resource list
Learn about Lord Baltimore(George Calvert), William Penn, John Smith, Roger Williams and John Winthrop.
Check out each site and record the facts in your Excel document.
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Find your way to the library
Annotations by Julia Campbell
Track #181636
Format: Extended learning
Learn about the libraries in the Springfield, Mass. Get directions to the libraries using Map Quest. Visit the Quadrangel Web site.
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Plymouth,andThe Wampanoug Indians
Annotations by Julia Campbell
Track #176044
Format: Worksheet
Learn about early America.
Answer these questions:
Where is Plymouth?
What is Plymouth Rock?
What was the date the pilgrims founded Plymouth? Who were the Pilgrims and why did they leave their homeland?
Who is William Bradford and John Carver?
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Annotations by Julia Campbell
Track #172160
Format: Resource list
Use some of these sites to help students with their writing.
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Parts of Speech
Annotations by Julia Campbell
Track #156341
Format: Resource list
Look at each Web site and learn the parts of speech. Nouns<> verbs<> adverbs<> pronouns<> adjectives <> exclamations.
Also a site on English grammar
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Annotations by Julia Campbell
Track #145941
Format: Resource list
Games and lessons to teach fractions
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Shel Silverstein - Hungry Mungry Math
Annotations by Julia Campbell
Track #143284
Format: Resource list
Learn about Shel Silverstein, read some of his poems and have some Math fun with Hungry Mungry.Using the poem Hungry Mungry by Shel Silverstein students will create a spreadsheet organizing and calculate the food that Mungry ate.
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R M S Titanic
Annotations by Julia Campbell
Track #136122
Format: Resource list
Research information on the Titanic. Search through the various web pages to learn more about what happened on the Titanic.
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Presidents of America
Annotations by Julia Campbell
Track #135862
Format: Worksheet
Students will learn some basic and fun facts about the USA presidents.