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Show Tracks Created by Connie Lawson
Showing all Connie Lawson created by Connie Lawson
United States
Annotations by Connie Lawson
Track #20919
Format: Resource list
The United States unit was chosen to motivate and enhance students to explore and discover the uniqueness of each state. Also, it was chosen to help students to learn the location, exciting facts, state symbols, and geographical characteristics of each state. The students will demonstrate a basic geographic knowledge identifying and locating major physical and political features on globes and maps. Also, the Internet gives the students opportunities to obtain interesting information related to each state and complete exciting activities.
The Solar System
Annotations by Connie Lawson
Track #20917
Format: Resource list
The solar system unit was chosen to motivate and enhance students to learn about our solar system and its unique properties in space. Also, the unit was chosen to help students understand the relationship of the universe to the planets, moon, stars, Earth, and the Milky Way. The students will acquire scientific knowledge by applying concepts, theories, principles and laws from life/environment, physical, and earth/space sciences. I chose this unit because it allows students to explore/travel the solar system using the Internet.
Number the Stars
Annotations by Connie Lawson
Track #20918
Format: Resource list
Number the Stars was chosen to enhance and motivate students to read. It will also improve their word recognition strategies, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. The students will develop the reading skills essential for word recognition, comprehension, interpretation, analysis, evaluation, and appreciation of the written text. Also, it will allow students to use the Internet to do research related to the author and obtain other materials and information related to the content of the book. Also, the Internet gives the students opportunies to perform and complete exciting activities.


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