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Show Tracks Created by Elizabeth Emery
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"The Agony and the Ecstasy" by Irving Stone
Annotations by Elizabeth Emery
Track #69049
Format: Extended learning
"The passionate biographical novel of Michelangelo....<br> His time - the turbulent Renaissance, the years of poisoning princes, warring Popes, the all-powerful de'Medici family, the fanatic monk Savonarola... <br> His loves - the frail and lovely daughter of Lorenzo de'Medici; the ardent mistress of Marco Aldovradni; and his last lave, his greatest love - the beautiful, unhappy Vittoria Colonna...<br> His genius - a God-driven fury from which he wrested the greatest art the world has ever known.... <br> Michelangelo Buonarroti: creator of the David, painter of the Sistine ceiling, architect of the dome of St. Peter's, lives once more in the tempestous, powerful pages of Irving Stone's great new book."<br> - Excerpt from the back cover. <br> Come learn more about the life and times of Michelangelo in this new trackstar!


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