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Show Tracks Created by Jennifer A. Williams
Showing all Jennifer A. Williams created by Jennifer A. Williams
Noah Webster's Dictionary
Annotations by Jennifer A. Williams
Track #138060
Format: Worksheet
When you think of the word dictionary you automatically think Noah Webster. This track will provide students the opportunity to search various sites to gain infomation regarding Noah Webster's life and the history of the dictionary. Each site will be accompanied by several questions for students to answer.
Speech Pathology
Annotations by Jennifer A. Williams
Track #111887
Format: Resource list
This Track will provide viewers with sites containing general information on speech pathology as well as research and regulations concerning speech therapy.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Annotations by Jennifer A. Williams
Track #111890
Format: Resource list
This Track will provide the viewer information on various associations and resources for people who are deaf or hard of hearing.
Learning Disabilities
Annotations by Jennifer A. Williams
Track #111069
Format: Resource list
This Track will provide educators and family members of those with learning disabilities information and treatment strategies for various types of learning disabilities.
Voice Disorders
Annotations by Jennifer A. Williams
Track #110831
Format: Resource list
This Track will provide information on laryngeal or voice disorders and diseases. Voice disorders cause difficulties in pitch loudness and voice quailty. The following links will describe the most common disorders, causes, diagnosis, treatment options, and current research in the field of voice disorders.
Annotations by Jennifer A. Williams
Track #110772
Format: Resource list
This Track will provide teachers and parents with information concerning etiology, prevention, and treatment of stuttering in children, adolescence, and adults.


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