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Track #158976: Snowflake Bentley: An online Winter Journey
Annotated by: Jackie Ricciardi
1. Meet Wilson Bentley

This is the best place to find all you need to know about the real Wilson Bentley. Visit this site and then make a Venn diagram comparing the book's information to the information on the website.

2. Learn How to draw a snowflake using Power Point

Read these instructions and print them out. Logon to the computer and try to draw a snowflake in PowerPoint. In your journal, write a paragraph listing three differences between your life and that of Snowflake Bentley.

3. Snowflake Bentley's Snowflakes

Look at some pictures that Wilson Bentley actually took. Using coffee filters and scissors, try to recreate one of the pictures you like.

4. Play Match the Snowflakes

Play this game a couple of times. Then write a friendly letter to me that tells the best way to play the game. Does the game require you to play close attention to the snowflakes?

5. Scrambled Up Frosty Puzzle

Click and drag the puzzle pieces to make Frosty, but hurry because you only get 30 seconds.

6. Take a quiz over Wilson Bentley

Read the book again. Take the quiz and see if you can earn $1,000,000. Then write from Wilson Bentley's perspective and tell me what you would do with the money. Remember, you are Wilson Bentley spending the money. Create some visuals and be prepared to share your presentation with the class.

7. Vermont: Wilson Bentley's home

Explore this site and create a poster telling others why they should visit this state. Tell about the population, the area, the major businesses, and the fun things to do. Also tell about the weather in Vermont.

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