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Track #186008: The Hiding Place
Annotated by: Barbara Smith
1. Corrie ten Boom Museum

1. After the war what message did Corrie share with people around the world? 2. According to Jewish legend, what is significant about Corrie dying on her birthday? 3. In what city did the Ten Boom Watch Shop originate? 4. What are the three quotes by Corrie given on this site? 5. Which one is the most meaningful to you? Why do you say that? 6. This information contains an error concerning Betsie’s age. What was her age at her death?

2. Heros of History

The information on this page lists many important events in Corrie’s life. Choose the five you think were the most significant in preparing her for her role in saving the Jews.
What five traits shared by heroes have been identified by Sam Wellman?

3. Corrie Ten Boom Museum “The Hiding Place”

What are the two truths Corrie and Betsie learned in Ravensbruck?

In the history of the Beje, this source states that Willem ten Boom opened a clock shop in this house. How does this information differ from the explanation given on the other sites? How would you explain this discrepancy? Which site would you think is more creditable? Why do you think that? How could you check the accuracy of one site compared to the other?

4. More Than Conquerers

How did the persecution of the Dutch Jews begin? How did this progress to more open persecution? How did Corrie become involved with the Jewish cause? How did Corrie’s upbringing prepare her to be sympathetic to helping the Jews?

5. A Teacher’s Guide to the Holocaust: Corrie ten Boom

How was the Alpina watch sign used to signal members of the underground?
How did the group in the secret hiding place finally escape following the arrest of the ten Boom family?

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