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Track #187821: Phylum Porifera
Annotated by: Lynn Swain
1. Porifera

1.Describe the variety of habitats where sponges can be found.

2. a.What are two minerals found in sponge spicules?
    b. What type of substance is found in the skeletons of sponges that do not have spicules?

3. What are some ways that sponges interact with other organisms?

2. Sponges Now and Then

4. How may sponges be useful in the future to treat human diseases?

3. Sponge photo

5. Look at the pinkish sponges in this picture. What are the large openings in their tops called?

4. sponge photo

6. What type of growth habit is seen in this sponge?(Hint: Read the text below the photo.)
7. What are some organisms that are finding a hiding place in a commensalistic relationship with this sponge?

5. Porifera: the cells

8. Name the peach-colored cells and give their function.
9. What type of protozoa does the archaeocyte resemble?
10. What does the blue textured background represent?

6. Generalized Anatomy of a Sponge

11. How does the sponge move water through its body?
12. Study the diagram of the choanocyte seen below the sponge diagram. Sketch it here. Label the flagellum, the collar where the food particle is trapped and the food vacuole in the cell body.

7. Venus Flower Basket

13. What type of symmetry is seen in this sponge?
14. What is the name of this sponge?
15. In which sponge class does this sponge belong?

8. Demospongia

16. About what percent of living sponges are in the class Demospongia?
17. What percent of freshwater sponges are in this class?
18. In general, what are the skeletons of these sponges like?

9. Large Sponges

19.What is happening in the picture of the purple sponge?
20.Compare the size of the barrel sponge in the next photo to the size of the diver.
21. What is being released from the barrel sponge in the bottom photo? (You might have to read the information on the left hand side of the screen for help.)

10. Calcarea sponges

22. How are sponges is class Calcarea different from all other sponges?
23. Where are these sponges mostly found?

11. Spongin

24.These spongin skeletal fibers make up bath sponges. Describe the appearance of the skeleton made up of these fibers.
25.Of what kind of protein are they made? (Check your guided reading.)

12. Simple sponge

26. Sketch this image and label the osculum and the bud. What type of structure does this sponge have?
27.Was formation of the bud asexual or sexual reproduction?

13. Syconoid sponge

28. Describe the shape and symmetry of the syconoid (advanced)sponge.

Click here to answer the next item:

29. Draw the general structure of the syconoid sponge with arrows showing the water flow.

14. Complex sponge

Look at the sponge examples here.
30. Based on these pictures, what type of sponge structure do the sponges that were shown to you in the classroom have?

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