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Track #232723: Discovering Rocks
Annotated by: Valerie Hegland
1. What is a rock?

  1. Find out what a rock is made of.
  2. Next, look at the three types of rocks in the dictionary by clicking on the blue highlighted words--igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Have one person in your group write down the definition for one type of rock. Make sure everyone chooses a different type of rock!

2. How are rocks formed?

Find out how rocks are formed, and where each type of rock can be found. 

3. How are rocks used?

List one use for each type of rock.

4. Find a favorite rock.

Look at the pictures of a sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rock.  Draw your favorite one in each category.  Be sure to color it so it looks real.  Remember to label it and spell corretly!

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