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Track #326319: Track 2: Life in the Southern States - pre Civil War
Annotated by: Marilyn Scholz
1. Houmas House

Plantation Life: Take a quick peek into the lifestyle for the landowner of a southern plantation. Rice, sugar cane, and tobacco were grown in addition to cotton, depending on the climate. The Hermitage Plantation even produced its own bricks!
Houmas House: Scroll and click on images of the plantation photos to get an idea of home life for the plantation owner.

2. The Nottoway Plantation

Notice the photos at the top of the site. As you click on each sub-menu, other pictures show up. Finally, click on Photo Gallery in the upper right corner. This claims to be the largest plantation home of the South.

3. The Laura House

Take a quick peek at the Laura House for owners and the slave quarters. Go to the Beyond the Big House page. Be sure to scroll down. Here you will see former slave quarters. The Br'er Rabbit stories told to children 135 years ago started in this area of the South.

4. Life on a plantation - for a slave

Enter the house to sample life as a slave. Scroll and click "continue" to see more of the inside. Now that you've visited these sites, write in your journal.

5. Cotton King

Scroll to see pictures of slave workers in the cotton fields. Often young children were forced to work in the fields. In your journal tell how you might have felt.

6. Cotton King, continued

In your journal tell how you might have felt after a hard day in the field.

7. Underground Railroad

Take a ride on the Underground Railroad! Read and follow the directions. After completing your trip, write in your journal about your reactions.

8. Harriet Tubman

You may have known she was a conductor in the Underground RR. Did you know she was a spy for the North during the Civil War? Read about a time she help free 750 slaves at one time. Respond in your journal.

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