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Track #334803: The Rise of BIg Business and the Gilded Age
Annotated by: Mark Pohl
1. The Gilded Age

What industries grow during the Gilded Age? Explain the effect the Government had on the growth of industries.

2. The history of Standard Oil

What is a trust?

Why is the Standard Oil trust ended?

3. Standard Oil political cartoon

How is Standard Oil portrayed in the cartoon?/p>

4. The Bessemer process of steel production

What effect did the Bessemer process have on steel production and the industrial growth of the nation? Explain your answer

5. Andrew Carnegie biography

What were the two different views people had of Andrew Carnegie and why?

6. Carnegie and the Homestead Strike

Based on Andrew Carnegie's response to Mr. Gladstone, did he support Mr. Frick's approach to ending the strike? What sentence in his response supports your answer?

7. Gilded Age political cartoon

What is being inferred by the author of this cartoon? Explain your answer

8. Gilded Age timeline

After 1880 many steps are taken to help the workers in America and not the Trusts.

List two of these steps and explain how they might help the common laborer?

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