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Track #456726: IT Track
Annotated by: Jordan Crager
1. Story Read-Alouds

This site is a great site for those that are struggling to read or for those students who want access to quality children's books. This website has celebrities and other people reading stories aloud. This website can help children with their own reading skills. It also allows students to see the pictures and words of the book as if they were reading the book themselves.

2. Fun Brain

Fun Brain is a great website that promotes math and reading. This website has different games for students to play to increase their math and reading skills. This website also has a parents' page. This could really help parents as they want to know ways to help their children in school.

3. Steve Spangler Science

This is a great website for students to explore science more. This website has products that students can purchase to conduct their own experiments. In addition, this website provides different ideas for science fair projects. For those students who love science, this would be a great site to explore.

4. Shepherd Software

Shepherd's Software is a great website for students to practice their language arts skills. There are games on this site that help students with capitalization and other grammar concepts. There are other tabs on the website for subjects such as science, however the language arts games are the most effective.

5. Math Playground

The Math Playground website is a great place for students to learn to subtract and add better. This site also provides more opportunities for learning through rations, percents, decimals, fractions, and other math concepts. There are games to go along with these concepts to make learning more fun for students. There are also logic games on this website as well.

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