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Track #97428: Medieval Literature: Life and Times during the Middle Ages
Annotated by: D. Dees
1. Basic Chaucer Glossary of Middle English Words

Write 10 words in Middle English with the Modern English translation: agayn(s): against, toward

2. Life and times

Read each section, write 3 facts from each section that describes how people lived during the Middle Ages.

3. Armor of the Knights

Describe the armor that knights wore.

4. The High Middle Ages

Scroll down to 1300. Begin reading. Information about Chaucer, War of the Roses, Church influence, John Wycliffe’s Bible, 100 years’ War, Serfdom, The Bubonic Plague

5. The Knight in Medieval History

Name 3 different groups of knights formed during the Crusades.Choose 1 and write a short description (3 or 4 sentences) about that group.Click on the underlined words to find more information about a specific group of knights

6. War of the Roses

Has timeline, battles, people, rulers. Follow the links for more information. Write 4 to 5 sentences about the War. (Who, What, When, Where, Why)

7. War of the Roses

Detailed information about the War. Select one battle. Write 3 to 4 sentences about that battle.

8. Food and Cooking during the Middle Ages

Write 3 facts about cooking and types of meals during this time period. What might Chaucer have enjoyed for a meal?

9. Characteristics of European Feudalism

Read the section carefully. Answer the following questions.
What is the feudal method of holding land?
What was the title or position of the person who owned land?
What was the title or position of the person who received land?

10. Geoffrey Chaucer

Read Life and Career, and the Canterbury Tales
Where was he born?
Who did he marry?
What did he do besides write?
In Canterbury Tales, where are the pilgrims going?
What do they do to pass the time?
When were the Canterbury Tales written?
What literary format does Chaucer use to write the Canterbury Tales?

11. 100 Years’ War

Read to discover the causes of the war and who was involved in the war. Write 3 to 4 sentences about the war.

12. The Pardoner’s Tale

Click on the Middle English version and then look at the Modern English Version. Site also contains picture of the Pardoner from the Ellesmere Manuscript.

13. Geoffrey Chaucer

Picture of Chaucer

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