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Track #391944: Major Topographical Features Primarily of United States - Geographic Understanding
Annotated by: Kimberly Ward
1. Individual Maps of the Major Rivers of the United States

This website contains links to maps and brief information about all of the major rivers of the United States as stated in the Georgia Performance Standard SS3G1. Students can view each major river on a map including the states the river flows through and any body of water the river flows into.

2. Printable maps

Enchanted Learning contains online maps and printable maps of the major rivers of the United States. Maps are also included where students must identify the major rivers of the United State.

3. Hangman Game of Major Rivers of the United States.

This is a hangman game using the names of the major rivers of the United States as stated in the Georgia Performance Standard SS3G1. Students can view hints about each river while playing hangman.

4. Major Rivers Flashcards and Wordsearch

This activity will allow students the opportunity to practice identifying the major rivers of the United States on a map.

5. Brief Movie of the Major Rivers of the United States

This is a brief movie about the major rivers of the United States.  

6. Major Rivers of the United States Quiz

Test your knowledge of the major rivers of the United States.

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