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Fashion through History
Track # 156058
Annotations by:  Emilija Zlatkovska
 Track Category
English as a Second Language
Last Modified:
Jun 29, 2005
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 Track Description
This is a lesson plan about fashion through history for high-intermediate students. It involves all four language skills: reading the information from the websites, note taking, giving oral presentations and listening to the presentations of the different groups. The main language learning objective is the usage of past simple tense with Used To, as well as giving descriptions (using descriptive adjectives). The communication goal will be organizing interviews with retired photographers or fashion journalists, discussing the fashion styles in the past up to the present. This activity provides authentic audience because first of all, the interviews they will perform are authentic and later on a presentation for the whole school can be organized. The students ask questions and get answers, they learn a lot of new things about the fashion and how it changed through the years. During the presentation the students themselves get questions and give answers to a lot of questions, and all the time they practice the usage of Used to. This is a long-term project that can last for a month. The students will work in groups of 3 or 4. Later on this project can be referred to another project about fashion in present time. The teacher will follow the work of the students and can organize meetings with each group separately during the office hours, or 10 minutes before the ending of the class.
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