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Flight: The Wright Brothers and Beyond
Track # 159501
Annotations by:  Mary-Louise Miller
 Track Category
Intermediate (3-4)
Middle (5-9)
High School (9-12)
Language Arts
Social Sciences
Last Modified:
Jun 29, 2005
Extended learning
 Track Description
This Track highlights the Wright Brother's inquiry into flight over 100 years ago, leading to the world's first sustained and controlled flight of a man-operated, motor-driven aircraft at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina on December 17, 1903. The Track relates the Wright BrothersÂ’ scientific processes and discoveries in aviation, drawn from resources in ornithology and in science, thereby presenting a biological, technological as well as historical view of flight. Further, the site reveals the Wright Brother's relationship to the aviation industry at large, to Glenn Curtiss, to other events in aviation history and science and to Columbia, South Carolina.
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