Organize and annotate Web sites for use in lessons.
The Origins of Rock 'n' Roll
Track #
Annotations by:
Jonathan Kittl
Track Category
Middle (5-9)
High School (9-12)
Last Modified:
Jan 24, 2003
Resource list
Track Description
The main idea of this Track is to give students a look at who the pioneers were in creating Rock 'n' Roll. Commonly, people like Elvis and the Beatles are given credit to creating Rock 'n' Roll due to their overwhelming popularity. However, there were is a plethora of musicians who contributed to the evolution of rock 'n' roll over time. This website is designed with the goal of a research paper for the assessment tool. While this trackstar gives the student a good foundation for research, it also has pathways to various links that they can explore on their own and decide what information on the world wide web is valid for a paper and which websites can be discounted when working on a project.