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I Like Books
Track # 46293
Annotations by:  Sue Evans
 Track Category
Primary (K-2)
Language Arts
Last Modified:
May 12, 2006
Extended learning
 Track Description
This unit, which is designed to supplement the book, "I Like Books," by Anthony Browne consists of four Internet activities in which the students explore literature genres, write a story about a character that they created, print a color story with their own name in it, and make their own page for a class book about the kind of books they like. This unit allows the students to practice online which addresses the Pre-Survey Tests for teachers and students. Students will follow words from left to right and from top to bottom on the printed page, recognizing words. This unit addresses the following Learning Expectations: Demonstrate knowledge of concepts of print, including print directionality. Use a variety of reading strategies: picture and context clues, substitutions, phonetic rules and expectations, word recognition, and rhyming words. Develop a reading vocabulary utilizing sight words, phonetic and structural analysis, and context.
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