This Track is designed to be used by my 28 gifted students in third grade. Students come to my gifted resource classroom from seven different elementary schools in Liberty County to be served one full day per week. Each group consists of 14 or 15 students from multiple schools. Students who are served in gifted classes have demonstrated a combination of exceptional ability, achievement, motivation, and creativity.
My students will use this Track to learn about different types of poetry, to listen to and read poems, to sharpen skills in creating poetry, and to share and receive feedback on their own works of poetry. Students are encouraged to appreciate great works of poetry while learning to express creativity through their own writing. Students will also be able to work at their own pace allowing for more self-directed learning.
GPS Standards:
ELA3R3-The student uses a variety of strategies to gain meaning from grade-level text. The student
a. reads a variety of texts for information and pleasure.
i. makes connections between texts and/or personal experiences.
j. identifies and infers main idea.
k. self monitors comprehension and attempts to clarify meaning.
n. identifies the basic elements of a variety of genres.
p. recognizes the author's purpose.
ELA3W1-The student demonstrates competency in the writing process. The student
c. writes text of a length appropriate to address a topic.
j. uses a variety of resources to research and share information on a topic.
n. publishes by presenting an edited piece of writing to others.
ELA3LSV1-The student uses oral and visual strategies to communicate. The student
d. listens to and views a variety of media necessary to acquire information.