Organize and annotate Web sites for use in lessons.
Track #
Annotations by:
Jackie Henry
Track Category
Primary (K-2)
Language Arts
Last Modified:
Mar 23, 2009
Resource list
Track Description
This track is designed for students in this 1st grade class that have demonstrated difficulties in beginning writing skills. The students in my class are below grade level in this skill and need extra help in this area. These activities address the content standard: The student will develop the structural and creative skills necessary to produce written language that can be read and interpreted by various audiences. This will also allow my students to use the Internet in my class to answer questions or to practice skills, a need shown in the pre-survey. The learning expectations addressed in this track are: 1a. Write to acquire knowledge, promote lifelong communication, and gain confidence as a writer. 1b. Use elements of the writing process as appropriate. 2. The students will have to think of different ways to tell others what they have learned from the story. 3. Write to respond actively and imaginatively to literature. 4. The students will practice a variety of pre-writing activities to generate ideas. 5. Write frequently for a variety of purposes. 6. Begin to recognize and demonstrate knowledge of mechanics and standard spelling. The unit addresses these by providing literature the students must respond to by writing and speaking. They will use pre-writing skills and be encouraged to use the proper elements of writing throughout the unit.