You will practice going to a restaurant by greeting the waiter/waitress, identify and locate food items on a menu, place your order and total the transaction. At the end of the meal you will calculate correct change for purchases.
Communication- Listening and speaking
Standard- The student effectively applies listending and speaking strategies. Independent: listen to information presented orally and identify key points; ask literal questions and respond to speakers.
LA. information(e.g. notes, lists, charts, map labels, legends) related to a topic, including visual aids as appropriate: Independent: record informatio (e.g. lists, labels, charts) related to the topic.
Number and operation- MA.5.A.6.3 Describe real world situations using positive and negative numbers.
MA.5.A.6.IN.c Express, represent, and use whole numbers to 100 in various contexts, including time, money, and measurment.
Student NETS 2 Students develop positive attitudes toward technology uses that support lifelong learning, collaboration, personal pursuits, and productivity.
Teacher NETS III. Teachers implement curriculum plans that include methods and strategies for applying technology to maximize student learning. (A-D)