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Thirteen Original Colonies.
Track # 9479
Annotations by:  Stephanie Moore
 Track Category
Intermediate (3-4)
Middle (5-9)
Social Sciences
Last Modified:
Oct 13, 2006
Extended learning
 Track Description
An introduction to the Thirteen Original Colonies. Students can research for information to complete a chart for the Colonies. Students will locate and chart information regarding the states, geography, economics, religion, natural resources, reasons for settling, main crops, and jobs/industries related to each colony. Student may be asked to replicate and label a map of the Thirteen Colonies. Provided with this track are a crossword puzzle, a wordsearch generator, and final online assessments. Students may create an interesting essay on a famous person, of their choice, from each colony. They may also create a classroom webpage to display their findings. It will be up to the classroom teacher to develop essential questions or the "Big Picture" using these resources.

KEYWORDS: U.S. history, american history, colonial America
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