Track Description
5th Grade General Music
Music Standard 6: Benchmark 1 & 3
Listening to, analyzing, and describing music
This Trackstar is provided to assist you in identifying simple music forms aurally and to use appropriate terminology explaining the music that they hear. Throughout the lessons in this unit you will develop basic skills of identifying simple musical forms presented in ABA style, verse/refrain, call and response and theme and variation.
You will also learn the basic skills needed to use appropriate terminology explaining music literature, notation, instruments, voices and performances.
The following are some of the vocabulary words that you will learn throughout this study.
Terms associated with melody (step, skip, repeat), timbre (voice, string, woodwind, brass, percussion, specific instruments), expression (tempo and dynamics), rhythm (straight, swing, meter), harmony (major, minor), and form (verse-refrain, ABA, theme and variations)
This Trackstar is designed to help you learn the basics of the first musical form we will study, Verse and Refrain.