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Track # 405767
Annotations by:  suzanne cuzzo
 Track Category
High School (9-12)
Last Modified:
May 15, 2010
 Track Description
This track will help any student who would like additional practice finding derivatives . It is intended to aid students in Calc 1. Student will be able to: 1. restate all formulas to find the derivative of polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmetic and trigonometric functions. 2 Identify and classify expressions into 3 categories: product rule, quotient rule and chain rule. 3. Calculate the derivative of polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmetic and trigonometric functions. 4. use technology to help find derivatives, interpret results and verify conclusions. 5. apply the chain rule to find the derivative of a composition. Above average students: 6. Justify a maximum or minimum after solving a derivative. 7. Understand the concept of a derivative and integrate it to the solving of optimization word problems. Mathematics, Science, and Technology Standard 1: Analysis, Inquiry, and Design Students will use mathematical analysis, scientific inquiry, and engineering design, as appropriate, to pose questions, seek answers, and develop solutions. Standard 2: Information Systems Students will access, generate, process, and transfer information using appropriate technologies. Standard 3: Mathematics Students will understand mathematics and become mathematically confident by communicating and reasoning mathematically. Standard 3: Mathematics Students will understand the concepts of and become proficient with the skills of mathematics; communicate and reason mathematically; become problem solvers by using appropriate tools and strategies. Standard 6: Interconnectedness: Common Themes Students will understand the relon themes that connect mathematics, science, and technology and apply the themes to these and other areas of learning. Standard 7: Interdisciplinary Problem Solving Students will apply the knowledge and thinking skills of mathematics, science, and technology to address real-life problems and make informed decisions. English Language Arts Standard 1: Language for Information and Understanding Students will listen, speak, read, and write for information and understanding. As listeners and readers, students will collect data, facts, and ideas; discover relationships, concepts, and generalizations; and use knowledge generated from oral, written, and electronically produced texts. As speakers and writers, they will use oral and written language that follows the accepted conventions of the English language to acquire, interpret, apply, and transmit information. Standard Standard 3: Language for Critical Analysis and Evaluation Students will listen, speak, read, and write for critical analysis and evaluation. As listeners and readers, students will analyze experiences, ideas, information, and issues presented by others using a variety of established criteria. Information Literacy Standards 1.1.5 Evaluate information found in selected sources on the basis of accuracy, validity, appropriateness for needs, importance, and social and cultural context. 1.1.6 Read, view, and listen for information presentented in any format(e.g. digital) 1.1.8 Demonstrate mastery of technology tools for accessing information and pursuing inquiry.
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