This track has been created to help Oklahoma high school students explore the five census recongnized cultures in the state. Every attempt is made to try and cross-referance other cultures and the affects that they have had on each other in the modern era. These tracks meet the Oklahoma PASS objective standards as listed:
Oklahoma PASS Skill Objectives
Standard 2: Visual Art History and Culture - The student will recognize the development of visual art from an historical and cultural perspective.
1. PROFICIENT: Analyze a work of art within its cultural and historical context.
ADVANCED: Analyze common characteristics of works of art and artifacts across time and among cultural groups to analyze and identify influences.
2. PROFICIENT: Describe the basic ideas underlying several major art movements or historical periods including: Ancient (Egyptian, Greek and Roman),
Renaissance, Impressionism/Post-Impressionism and 20th Century.
ADVANCED: Analyze issues related to chronology and discuss or debate these issues in relation to historical perspective.
3. PROFICIENT: Compare cultural and ethnic art forms throughout the world that have influenced visual art
ADVANCED: Assign works time-periods or movements based upon style.