Organize and annotate Web sites for use in lessons.
Jump Rope!
Track #
Annotations by:
Julia Stahlman
Track Category
Middle (5-9)
Last Modified:
Mar 23, 2009
Resource list
Track Description
This track was created for a fifth grade PE class to encourage them to understand the benefits of and develop a plan for incorporating rope jumping into a lifelong fitness plan. By completing this track, students will accomplish the following activities: 1) write a paragraph about the benefits of jumping rope; 2) keep a daily log for two weeks showing their personal daily practice of several jump rope skills; 3) create a commercial for "Jump Rope for Heart" and 4) create a jump rope rhyme and routine and teach it to a group of students. This track meets the Tennessee Curriculum Frameworks: Physical Education and Lifetime Wellness: 4.0 Fitness The student will understand, achieve, and maintain a health-enhancing level of fitness leading to a physically active lifestyle. This unit will allow my students the opportunity to use the Internet for research in PE and to apply what they learn in school to their lives.